Customer Details Name Email Phone Machine Options Machine MFG Heidelberg Model - None -GTOMOSM52SM72SM74SM102PM52PM74SX52SX74SX102CD74CD102CX102XL75XL105XL106XL142XL162 Number of Print Units - None -123456789101112 Perfecting - None -None1/12/23/24/14/24/45/56/6 Coating - None -YesNo Delivery - None -ExtendedStandard Budget - None -< $250,000< $400,000< $550,000< $750,000< $1,000,000< $1,500,000< $2,000,000> $2,000,000 Time Frame - None -Immediate60-90 Days90-120 Days3-6 Months6-9 Months9-12 Months1-2 Years Customer Contact Account Manager Comments Comments Please enter any additional details here CAPTCHAThis question is for testing whether or not you are a human visitor and to prevent automated spam submissions. Submit